You may buy your outdoor landscape lights in one online shopping spree or do it in phases. After dusk, go out into your yard with a flashlight and highlight the places where you want outdoor landscape lights and note them down. Make your home resplendent and safer with LED outdoor landscape lighting. Other areas to consider in your outdoor landscape lighting design are walkways, steps, fences, and the utilization of outdoor wall lighting. These subtle ways of lighting the border of your home with outdoor landscape lighting fixtures is highly imperative. You may also slightly increase the landscape lighting around a fabulous fountain or sculpture. When it comes to exterior lighting, a good formula to follow may be to slightly increase lighting levels around focal points and high traffic areas such as patios, decks, doorways and drives. Buy and use low intensity outdoor landscape lights for trees, flowers, gardens, and shrubbery. Landscape lighting should highlight the most beautiful areas of your property. It's easy to get excited and overcrowd a yard with outdoor lighting. Be careful not to over-light your landscape like a birthday cake. and create a picture perfect scene! Read on for some useful "how to" tips and ideas to keep in mind when designing your outdoor landscape lighting.